News - Media Coverage
IEEE Spectrum
Doc at a Distance (PDF 8.5 MB) Robot surgeons promise to save lives in remote communities, war zones, and disaster-stricken areas
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The Rise of the Body Bots (PDF 2.7 MB) | Spectrum URL | Projects in the US | Photo Gallery | | EXO-7 - Exoskeleton | Exoskeletons - An Interview with IEEE Spectrum Correspondent Erico Guizzo URL Link - Select Oct. 2005 > Exoskeleton Download the MP3 File |
USA Today - Aquanauts test robotic surgeons in undersea lab
May 7, 2007
Washington Post - NASA to Test Portable Robot Surgeon
The Associated Press
April 19, 2007
MedGadget - Raven, the Mobile Surgical Space Robot
April 20, 2007
NEEMO 12 Mission Journal - US seeks battlefield robot medic
May 7, 2007
Seattle PI - Tomorrow's battlefield surgeon may not be flesh and blood - Scientists test robot to help injured soldiersBy DONNA By JULIE DAVIDOW
June 12, 2006
BBC News - US seeks battlefield robot medic
March 29, 2005
Santa Cruz Sentinel - UC Santa Cruz engineers build robotic arms to aid physical therapists-
January 18, 2009
Tech Blogs
Biongbiong - Robotic exoskeleton for arms
January 13, 2009
MedGadget - Research Into Smart Therapeutic Exoskeleton
January 13, 2009
Physorg - Medical robotics expert explores the human-machine interface
January 18, 2009
MedGadget - New Robotic Exoskeleton to Amplify the Wearer's Arm Strength
January 13, 2009
Softpedia - Raven, the Mobile Surgical Space Robot
January 14, 2009
Gizmo Watch - Another step towards a bionic man: robotic exoskeleton for arms
January 14, 2009
Gadgetted - Medical robotics expert explores the human-machine interface
January 15, 2009
insciences - Medical robotics expert explores the human-machine interface
January 13, 2009
Medlaunches - medlaunches
Wearable robotic exoskeleton lends mechanized arms to the disabled
January 14, 2009
N+T - Go Go Gadget Cyber Arms
January 14, 2009
MedGadget - Raven, the Mobile Surgical Space Robot
April 20, 2007
RAVEN Surgical Robot, Overview
of Washignon News
UW NEWS - TOPS IN TECH - Top technology of 2008 - Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
January 15, 2008
UW NEWS - Robotic surgeon to team up with doctors, astronauts on NASA mission
April 18, 2007
of Washington Weekly Newspaper
of the BlueDRAGON during the WWAMI Legislative Conference
UWeek - New simulator technology to give surgeons 'feel' of really operating
Nov. 19, 1997
Washington Engineer - E-News
‘Super Suit’ to the rescue
Oct. 2005
Boundaries: Robo-doc to the rescue
May 2005
UW Electrical Engineering Kaleidoscope
Anual Reseach Review
2008 - Raven: Undersea Adventures - NASA NEEMO 12
2007 - demo in the desert: High Altitude Platforms
for Mobile Robotic Telesurgery (HAPs/MRT )
2006 -
Markov Models
to Perform
Clinical Skills Assessment
Developing a 7 DOF Upper-Limb
Next Generation
2005 - The Future of Robotics & Control - Robotics in Medicine
2004 - Control & Robotics
2003 - Approaching BORG - Melting Human and Machines
EEK 2002 - Robotics Tool Teach Surgery - A feature article on the BluDRAGON
Misc. Web Sites
Science News For Kids - Supersuits for Superheroes
An article published on the web by the Science Daily about the Force Reflecting Endoscopic Grasper (FREG) and the application of force feedback technology in surgery.